For busy parents, deciding on the best kind of home childcare may be difficult.
A growing number of parents are discovering they favor the cozy setting and personal touches of home daycare or group home daycare to traditional preschools or day care centers.
Home childcare are professional childcare, offering children safe, good quality care and providing them with play and learning opportunities that contribute to their development in an environment where they feel safe — their home.
“Day Care“ home child care plan is childcare in a “family style” setting with flexible hours, family group as well as the opportunity for siblings to be in childcare together. The care provider offers a well planned program for the kids with tasks in and around the house.
From a long time “Day Care“ has been providing trusted, quality, flexible home childcare services.
The advantages of using our services are:
* Convenient location in your community
* Limited number of children in each home
* Flexible hours/days of care
* Caregivers carefully selected to meet the needs of children and families.
* Compliance with Municipal fire, health and by-law regulation
We know what parents need in terms of child care. Our system was set up so parents could continue with their regular schedules. Our documented childcare is advantageous for parents seeking flexible childcare options, whether you’re looking for complete day or part time childcare. We provide child care in your home.
Our aim will be to offer reasonable and expert childcare support that will be accessible to all households, and loved by all kids. Our payment options should satisfy your family budget, no matter what your earnings are.
A childcare worker in the home makes life easier for the parents. Parents could be entitled to financial aid for the fees.
Each residence is unique and thus the plan changes from home to home. The plans consider the number of children, whether snacks and hot meals are needed, playtime activities and whether children need to be delivered and retrieved from school.
Several houses also provide flexible hours that could adapt households who work shifts or who desire part time, weekend or overnight care
Contact us for more information at (561) 123-1234